Sunday, 7 April 2019

Few Boat Items Checklist: What You Should Have On Board

Whether you are going for fishing or simply traveling to another place through a boat, there are a few boat items or marine accessories that you must keep in mind to carry.

Here are a few boat items that you should carry

1. Coast guard safety equipment

Before heading to the water, make sure that you have all the safety equipment like the life jackets, inspect fire extinguishers, required batteries, a flashlight, an anchor rode, navigation light and more.

2. First-aid kit

When you are out there in the sea, you will never what can happen to you or to anyone inside the boat. You may encounter strong winds or heavy waves that can sometimes cause injury. Therefore, it is important to keep a first-aid kit to cater to minor needs.

3. Extra food and water

Sometimes you never know how long your journey will take. There are a number of unavoidable circumstances that you are likely to encounter like bad weather conditions, wrong routes and others; keeping extra food and water can help you continue your journey, avoid falling ill and many more.

4. A full fuel tank

There are many boaters who have put themselves in a strenuous position when they were running out of fuel. It is very easy to avoid the problem; but once it happens, it becomes difficult to solve the issue. Make sure you include a full fuel tank in your marine accessories for boat checklist.

5. Charts and maps

Charts and maps are equally important to keep in your boating checklist as they help you identify the route to your destination.

6. Extra antenna flag clips

You will never know what can happen to your boat, it is important to include an extra antenna when you sail in the sea.

7. Binocular

It is a little and inexpensive tool but is one of the most important marine accessories. It helps you see things beyond your eyes could see and help you avoid severe weather conditions.

Make sure to keep yourself prepared with all the equipment needed when you go out in the water for traveling, fishing or anything. And, the best thing that you can do is keep a list and keep in mind that you have them all on board.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Make Your Own Fishing Lure In 5 Simple Steps

There are many discussions in the fishing world regarding what works and what doesn’t. Among the myriad of things, there is no denying the fact that lures have been a worthwhile choice for anglers. They can help to catch larger fish as safely as possible and deliver a more satisfying experience at the same time. Having said that, it is also important to know that finding the light lure can be a tough task. To gain the maximum advantage, you can make your own lures using fishing lure making tools. 

Whether you want lures offering higher functionality or love to experiment with designs, you can get an edge by making your own lures. They allow you to be highly creative and productive while providing you an opportunity to kill your spare time. Not to forget, they help you to save tons of money. All you have to do is get tools to build fishing lures and follow few basic steps listed below.

1. Tools and materials:You won’t have to spend thousands of dollars to buy tools for fishing lures. They are incredibly cheap, so much so that everyone can afford them. Tools mainly include kwik twist tool, wire straightener, hook sneller, nail knotter tool, fishing line scissors, barrel wrap version and twist leader tool. Other materials include nails, sealant, paint and wood.

2. Choose size: Determine the size of your lure depending on your target fish. If you want to catch a huge fish, choose a lure nearly 3 inches big.

3. Polish it: Use a sandpaper to smoothen the surface of whittling. Use a fine sandpaper to create a decent painting surface. This also helps the lure to jump directly into the water.

4.  Make it life-like: Now comes the time to add some life to the bait. Drill small holes for eyes and stick them. Put some color on the surface and add spots to make it more lively.

5. Extra tricks: To make your bait more appealing and functional, you can add scales and twisters. They are an excellent means to track the right way in water and hold up against fishes.

So, what are you waiting for? Check the wide range of tools for fishing and for making fishing lures to get started!

Thursday, 10 January 2019

7 Basics One Must Have In Their Fishing Tackle

Fishing on a summer weekend is the best idea for an amazing vacation. Take your chair and sit beside the water relaxing. Heading to a fishing vacation, never forget to check your tackle box. There are a lot of online fishing tackle stores that offers fishing tackle for sale. We have listed a 7 must have accessories for your fishing tackle box
 Extra hooks and lines
Equip your tackle box with a variety of hooks and extra lines so that you don’t run short of any. It is also good to buy hooks designed for specific to a variant of fish found in the area you are planning to visit.

Bobbers are necessary if you are using live bait. This device floats on the surface of the water. If bobber disappears, it is the time to reel the line. 

A sinker helps the fishing rig to sink deeper into the water. You might lose many during your fishing trips. Having a bunch of these in spare is always good. Buy tungsten, steel or brass sinkers because they are durable and compensate well with light weighted baits.

Artificial baits
Plastic worms that shine and vibrates under water have potential to attract fishes. These are also called called lures. These plastic worms are super cheap in price so you can buy a bunch of these.

Line cutters
Once the catch is on your hook cut the lines using cutters. These are also helpful in case you get strangled in the fishing line.

Small first aid kit
Always keep a small first aid kit in your tackle for minor cuts and injuries.